Bluebirds Ballet Academy


1007 East Saint Mary Boulevard

Lafayette, Louisiana



  • Parking: Parking for Bluebirds Ballet Academy is available in the back parking lot off Coolidge Drive, along the side of the building on Coolidge Drive, or in the front of the building on East St. Mary. Please be respectful of places designated as “No Parking” in the areas surrounding our studios. 

    Dancers arriving for classes in Studio A should be dropped off through the back entrance. The back door has a keypad entry. You will be given the code to enter at the beginning of the Dance Year. Dancers arriving for classes in Studio B should be dropped off through the front entrance. Please do not drop your dancer off earlier than ten (10) minutes before their scheduled class time. Please do not drop your child off at either of our studios without being certain that your child’s instructor or the Studio Director or Administrator (Jasmine Bertrand or Colleen Romero) is in the studio. 

    Lobby/Waiting Areas:
    Please note that the lobby/waiting areas at both studios are closed during class times so that our students can have the optimal learning environment for classes. Parent/family viewing will be permitted on designated class days/times. Our older students often need to make use of the space in the lobby for breaks during class, shoe changes, or for study of written materials and need full use of the space. Younger students are easily distracted in class from noise or activity in the waiting areas. Keeping the waiting areas clear during class times keeps our students safe and engaged and allows our instructors to be more efficient. Thank you for your cooperation. 

    Dance Bags:
    Every dance student, of all ages, is required to have a dance bag for transporting their dance shoes and water. Students should arrive with their dance bags with as few personal items as possible in their bags but with all their dance shoes for every class. Please make sure your child brings water with him or her to class, with his or her name labeled on the bottle.  

    All dancers are dismissed through the front doors of both Studio A and Studio B (except for Adult and Level VI-VII dancers, who may exit at either front or back). 

  • Bluebirds Ballet Academy reserves the right to adjust these policies at any time due to changes in State or local policies.